Updated:   2024



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The Webmaster , Caretaker ,  Mr J Clarke - Email - jay8451@gmx.co.uk

 2024 dates please click on future events tab.

Boston Model Boat club

In November 1991, after many years of success as part of the "BOSTON MODELLING CLUB", the "MARINE SECTION" became an independent organisation. The "BOSTON MODEL BOAT CLUB".  The interests and themes of club members are wide and varied. Many aspects are covered for example, plastic, fibre glass, and wooden boats, boats built from plans, and allso to the modellers own design. The type of boats in the club ranges from yachts, fast electric racing boats, steamboats, internal combustion (IC) powerboats, submarines plus every imaginable type of scale boat from tugs to battleships.  During the summer months there are regular regattas held at the club’s purpose built pond and club house on the outskirts of Boston. The club also participates in several inter-club regattas (competitions) within the East Anglia Region. We meet every Wednesday 9am to 4pm, click on Future Events page for dates.

 The club attends local area shows with it's purpose built travelling ponds and have a go boats.
Whichever form of model boating appeals to you, a warm and enthusiastic welcome awaits you from all members of Boston Model Boat Club. For beginners of this fascinating hobby advice and support can be offered. 

For club joining and further information please contact Nigel Baker.

Email suenig@tiscali.co.uk / phone mobile 07531002407/Home 01205 356067